Post written by Frank Roche, President, Roche Realty Group, Inc.
On March 21, 2013 PK Zyla, a well-known auctioneer and Realtor®, and Roche Realty Group assisted the Lakes Region Chemistry-Free After-Prom committee in spear heading an auction at John Cook’s Mame’s in Meredith, NH. This important event is to raise money for the after-prom committee to give these young adults a safe place to go after the prom. The auction drew a very spirited crowd of over
75 people and raised over $6,300, far surpassing last year’s figure of $5,300. The auction also achieved an unprecedented 67 overbids which were prompted by the generosity of John Cook, who gave a $10 gift certificate with every overbid. A large number of local restaurant gift certificates were auctioned off, as well as certificates to local salons, fitness centers, area attractions, clothing, jewelry, gift baskets, overnight stays at local inns, and a cornucopia of other assorted merchandise. A good time was had by all and the committee is already working on next year’s fund raiser.