commercial Services
We offer consultations, and handle the marketing & sales of:

- Commercial buildings
- Development projects
- Apartment complexes
- Condominium projects
- Multi-family homes
- Hotels / motels
- Cottage colonies
- Retail shops / shopping centers
- Restaurants & taverns
- Warehouses
- Airport hangers
- Marinas and docks
- Farm properties
- Land sales and more

Are you looking to sell commercial real estate in NH's Lakes Region?
For over 40 years the name “Roche” has been a leading force in Commercial Real Estate sales throughout the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Our team has vast experience in all phases of commercial property, business sales, and project development. Over the years, our interplay with developers, local planning boards, and end users has given us the practical hands on knowledge that can give you the service and results you demand and deserve.
The approach that we use is one of interdisciplinary practice. Our agents have local knowledge and are well networked in the area. A number of our agents had previous careers in the areas of public accounting, finance, banking, construction, project management, retail establishments, restaurant and hospitality, utility companies, development, management consulting, and business owners. We each handle all kinds of real estate transactions, and by doing so have a wealth of experience and knowledge that can’t be duplicated.
Significant Sales
Roche Realty Group’s Significant Sales Report outlines major commercial, hotel/motel, restaurant/lounge, business sales, developments, subdivisions, condominium conversions, and marketing projects that our company has participated in and sold over the years. We strongly feel that these results speak for themselves and create a standard for commercial sales in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region.

A marketing mix that delivers results...
We are members of the largest and most wide reaching professional organizations in the state – NHCIBOR, and NNEREN. We gain maximum exposure for our listings on their websites, plus over 70 more national and international real estate websites to which we publish our listings.
We publish our commercial listings on, which has more traffic, listings, and geographic coverage than any other commercial real estate marketplace. Offering the largest online commercial real estate audience, Loopnet reports 5,000,000 monthly visitors, 76% of which are tenants and / or investors. Every day on LoopNet, an average of 1,250,000 listings are viewed, with approximately 900,000 searches.*
Google consistently ranks Loopnet right on top for Commercial real estate searches.
(*Based on analysis performed by LoopNet data analysts.)
We advertise our commercial listings in our annual company catalog, “Lakes Region Living.” We generate a tremendous amount of leads from this publication, and 80,000+ copies are published for each issue. Approximately 10,000 copies are direct mailed to a distribution list and client base, and the remaining 70,000 are distributed at approximately 260 high traffic commercial locations surrounding Lake Winnipesaukee, Squam and Newfound Lakes, Central New Hampshire, Loon Mountain and Waterville Valley.