With the enthusiastic support of nearly 500 paddlers, New Hampshire Lakes set a Guinness World Record at LakeFest 2014: Raft-a-Palooza! 396 canoes and kayaks were launched within a 15-second window, setting a new world record for the largest simultaneous launch of canoes & kayaks. (This beat the previous record of 308 boats set by a group in Tasmania!)
The main goal of this event was to educate the public about how to protect NH’s lakes and their watersheds from the spread of aquatic invasive plants and animals. This family-fun event was held at Endicott Rock Park (Weirs Beach) and brought many like-minded people together in the heart of the Lakes Region for a noble cause and a day of fun.
NH Lakes is an excellent resource for lake stewardship, and provides education and advisory information to local watershed associations, state legislators, and other conservation organizations. NH Lakes staff (and other volunteers) worked incredibly hard to promote the LakeFest 2014 event, so we are all pleased to hear it was a huge success! The event won’t take place again next year, however NH Lakes will be hosting an annual conference right there in Meredith. Lakes Congress will take place on May 29th at Church Landing and will have upwards of 200 lakes experts and volunteers from all over NH. Learn more about NH Lakes at https://nhlakes.org/
Roche Realty Group, Inc. was among over 30 sponsors for this event. As a company, we truly believe that protecting our lakes and local watersheds is paramount to maintaining the integrity of our beautiful Lakes Region. Some of our agents are actively involved in local watershed associations.