Gilford- Those who attended Saturday evenings candlelight stroll in historic Gilford Village were treated to a true “Currier and Ives Christmas Setting.” There was a great turnout by the community, where everyone enjoyed a candlelit walk up Belknap Mountain Road and Potter Hill Road to celebrate the Christmas holiday season, replicating Gilford’s past history.
It was a wonderful sight to see! As you strolled through town, paper lanterns dotted the streets of Gilford Village and many homes had flickering bonfires to keep the towns people warm as they sung Christmas carols up and down the streets. All the village homes were beautifully decorated; some offered apple cider, hot chocolate or homemade baked goods for every visitor. Santa Claus even stopped to make an appearance at the community gazebo.

The Thompson Ames Historical Society Building was also open and full of visitors. Built in 1834, this building is the union meeting house of Gilford. Visiting this building was like going back in time. It has been beautifully restored, and exhibits historical memorabilia to look at in the authentic school house.
Across from the Gilford Village Store (est. 1840), the Mt Belknap Grange #52 was open for viewing. This building, along with the historic Rowe House, (the old homestead of Benjamin Row), was open and used as a gathering spot for the horse drawn carriage rides being offered in town.
Hats off to the Bicentennial Committee, the Historical Society, Gilford Public Library, Gilford SAU and all welcoming residents of Belknap Mountain Road and Potter Hill Road! They should all be proud of such a well-organized event which brought the Christmas spirit and memories of old time holiday spirit back to our community. Extremely well done!