Post written by Rick Hagan of Roche Realty Group, Inc.
Before my freshman year began at Harvard I was asked where and who I would like to dorm with. My freshman year (1972) was the first year Harvard/Radcliffe had Coed dorms. I’m no fool! I asked to live at Radcliffe with the Coed dorms and Coed bathrooms. I also asked that my roommate be someone from a different country. They decided to room me with a Mr. John Wright from New Zealand. We hit it off right off the bat. Being freshmen, we both had to fulfill a language requirement and ended up taking Latin together. We had a cute little grad student as our teacher. John and I thought we would take advantage of her by taking turns doing our homework. One of us would do it one day and the other would copy the work, changing it a little to avoid detection. Then, the next day, we would swap roles. Well, one day John copied my work verbatim. The next day we got our assignment back and John motioned to me to meet him after class. We compared our assignments. My work was all corrected in red ink and on John’s paper, in red ink, was: “See Mr. Hagan for the Corrections.” And we thought we were so cool!
Feel free to call Rick with any Real Estate questions at (603) 630-5767, or by email: