Wolfeboro NH | Lifestyle Profile

Town Profile & Lifestyle Comparison

Colonial Wolfeboro “the oldest summer resort town in America” is situated on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and is nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. South and North Main Streets are lined with shuttered white colonial homes with shopping at the water’s edge on Wolfeboro Bay. Quaint shops, fine dining, and cultural events are offered year round. There is an 18 hole public golf course, plus upscale private courses in the immediate area, tennis courts, marinas, cross-country skiing trails, and downhill skiing. The summer months bring an increase in population of up to 20,000 people.

Land Area: 48.3 Sq. Mi.

Inland Water Area: 10.1 Sq. Mi.

Schools: Carpenter Grammar, Kingswood Junior and Senior High, Governor Wentworth, Wolfeboro Academy of Music, and Brewster Academy

Town Office: 569-5328

Town Website:  www.wolfeboronh.us

Public Library: 259 South Main Street

Library Website:  www.wolfeborolibrary.org

Rec. Facilities: Town Docks on Lake Winnipesaukee, the Lake Winnipesaukee Golf Club and Kingswood Country Club, Several town beaches and parks, Libby Museum, Street Fairs, Hampshire Pewter, Link Metal Corp, Governor Wentworth Summer Home, The Wright Museum, Clark House, Kingswood Summer Theatre, League of N.H. Craftsmen.