Wolfeboro, NH Land for Sale | Roche Realty Group

Wolfeboro, NH Land for Sale

00 North Wakefield, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

MLS #5024565

City:Wolfeboro, State:NH

Price: $139900

Experience the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience with this 6.5 acre building lot. Located in Wolfeboro on a town maintained year round road less than 1 mile to Route 16. Nestled in a serene setting with picturesque views of rolling pastures with a backdrop of Porcupine Hill. Features include stone walls, about 2.5 acres of level land from the street backing up onto slopes giving you many options to design your ideal home. A test pit was recently done showing 7' of sandy soil. This property offers endless opportunities to build the lifestyle you've always imagined. 675c84f234e2b5dce66b9a52 6.50 9717 Wolfeboro LD_2 NH-Carroll Route 16 to North Wakefield Road (Across from Pine River Road) follow for 1 mile. The lot is the first in Wolfeboro on the Wolfeboro /Brookfield line 00 North Wakefield Road neren3 675c849034e2b5dccb19dcc2 1 1 1 1 1734980544 1734048000 139900 Fae Moore 5024565 Active 283140 5024565 5534 00 North Wakefield, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 1736353574 Cell: 603-833-0644 BHHS Verani Wolfeboro 14 21523 Land Experience the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience with this 6.5 acre building lot. Located in Wolfeboro on a town maintained year round road less than 1 mile to Route 16. Nestled in a serene setting with picturesque views of rolling pastures with a backdrop of Porcupine Hill. Features include stone walls, about 2.5 acres of level land from the street backing up onto slopes giving you many options to design your ideal home. A test pit was recently done showing 7' of sandy soil. This property offers endless opportunities to build the lifestyle you've always imagined. Governor Wentworth Regional Carpenter Elementary Kingswood Regional High School Kingswood Regional Middle NH North Wakefield 00 1736353994 03894 ListPrice 139900 1734116594 139900 ListingStatus Active 1734116594 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/b2e9-5024565-1-neren3.jpg 1 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/71a4-5024565-2-neren3.jpg 2 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/15a4-5024565-3-neren3.jpg 3 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/ecde-5024565-4-neren3.jpg 4 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2575-5024565-5-neren3.jpg 5 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/0a9e-5024565-6-neren3.jpg 6 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1faa-5024565-7-neren3.jpg 7 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/8736-5024565-8-neren3.jpg 8 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/95bc-5024565-9-neren3.jpg 9 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/ef80-5024565-10-neren3.jpg 10 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6757-5024565-11-neren3.jpg 11 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1d8e-5024565-12-neren3.jpg 12 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2fa9-5024565-13-neren3.jpg 13 1734981262 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/e344-5024565-14-neren3.jpg 14 1734981262 1734981262 1734981285 43.6291160 -71.0676501 Point -71.1966 43.5974 RETS 1734048000

Camp, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

MLS #5022980

City:Wolfeboro, State:NH

Price: $630000

Lake Wentworth Waterfront building lot! Build your dream home on this picturesque, natural 4 acre lot with 370 feet of waterfrontage and 1100 feet of road frontage on Camp Rd in Wolfeboro. Approval for construction of a septic system has been issued for a 4-bedroom home plus a 2 bedroom ADU. Land was surveyed by Prospect Mountain Survey and awaits your home design. Potential for a seasonal dock. Minutes from downtown Wolfeboro's restaurants, shopping and town docks. Seller financing possible. 6740ad9a34e2b53f48004f63 4.06 9377 Wolfeboro LD_2 NH-Carroll Center Street/Rt 109 towards Brookfield. Turn Right on Turtle Island Road then again onto Camp Road. Lot 14 includes the beginning of Camp Road and then on your right across the three driveways on your left , See the sign. Camp Road neren3 6740ad7d34e2b53f076221f3 1 1 1 1 1732291961 1732233600 630000 Randall Parker 5022980 Active 176854 5022980 1460 Camp, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 1732553618 Maxfield Real Estate/Wolfeboro 21 155172 Land Lake Wentworth Waterfront building lot! Build your dream home on this picturesque, natural 4 acre lot with 370 feet of waterfrontage and 1100 feet of road frontage on Camp Rd in Wolfeboro. Approval for construction of a septic system has been issued for a 4-bedroom home plus a 2 bedroom ADU. Land was surveyed by Prospect Mountain Survey and awaits your home design. Potential for a seasonal dock. Minutes from downtown Wolfeboro's restaurants, shopping and town docks. Seller financing possible. Governor Wentworth Regional Carpenter Elementary Kingswood Regional High School Kingswood Regional Middle NH Camp 14 1734813276 https://www.hommati.com/3DTour-AerialVideo/unbranded/Camp-Rd-Wolfeboro-Nh-03894--HPI45347901 Wentworth Lake Lake Yes 1 Exclusively Owned 03894 ListPrice 630000 1732291994 630000 ListingStatus Active 1732291994 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f81d-5022980-1-neren3.jpg 1 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/699d-5022980-2-neren3.jpg 2 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6634-5022980-3-neren3.jpg 3 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9c91-5022980-4-neren3.jpg 4 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/31be-5022980-5-neren3.jpg 5 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/fdeb-5022980-6-neren3.jpg 6 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c3c9-5022980-7-neren3.jpg 7 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bd29-5022980-8-neren3.jpg 8 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/946c-5022980-9-neren3.jpg 9 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/acea-5022980-10-neren3.jpg 10 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/25af-5022980-11-neren3.jpg 11 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1fcb-5022980-12-neren3.jpg 12 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/80f8-5022980-13-neren3.jpg 13 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/5e1b-5022980-14-neren3.jpg 14 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6854-5022980-15-neren3.jpg 15 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/eb99-5022980-16-neren3.jpg 16 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3c8f-5022980-17-neren3.jpg 17 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/b6dc-5022980-18-neren3.jpg 18 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/a8ec-5022980-19-neren3.jpg 19 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2f1d-5022980-20-neren3.jpg 20 1732376050 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/e15d-5022980-21-neren3.jpg 21 1732376050 1732376050 1732376102 43.6060159 -71.1391553 Point -71.1391553 43.6060159 RETS https://tour.neren.com/Camp-Road-Unit-14-Wolfeboro-NH-03894/unbranded 1732233600

0 King, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

MLS #5018619

City:Wolfeboro, State:NH

Price: $299000

2 interior lots between King St and Filter Bed Rd. Lot 37 = 1.75 acres, Lot 40 = .67 acres. Seller open to discussing possible easement across Lot 18 which has frontage on Filter Bed Rd for access to the interior lots. 670e843634e2b56b5673bb74 2.42 282190 Wolfeboro LD_2 NH-Carroll Located between King St and Filter Bed Rd 0 King Street neren3 670e841034e2b56b0b315724 1 1 1729003922 1728950400 299000 Sara Reineman 5018619 Active 105415 5018619 5534 0 King, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 1729004779 Cell: 781-708-5825 BHHS Verani Wolfeboro 1 123553 Land 2 interior lots between King St and Filter Bed Rd. Lot 37 = 1.75 acres, Lot 40 = .67 acres. Seller open to discussing possible easement across Lot 18 which has frontage on Filter Bed Rd for access to the interior lots. Governor Wentworth Regional Carpenter Elementary Kingswood Regional High School Kingswood Regional Middle NH King 0 1734813273 03894 ListPrice 299000 1729004598 299000 ListingStatus Active 1729004598 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/ef76-5018619-1-neren3.jpg 1 1729005930 1729005930 1729005975 43.5902979 -71.2162552 Point -71.2162552 43.5902979 RETS 1728950400

00 Pine Hill, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

MLS #5001480

City:Wolfeboro, State:NH

Price: $150000

Wooded 14 acre lot above the cemetery. 667431f334e2b5214b17f934 14.00 282277 Wolfeboro LD_2 NH-Carroll Property is behind the cemetery located at the corner of Pine Hill Rd and Beach Pond Rd. Access is to the right of the cemetery off of Pine Hill Rd. 00 Pine Hill Road neren3 667430cc34e2b52114241784 1 1 1 1718890466 43.6077553 1718582400 150000 Chip Hornbeek 5001480 Active -71.2110196 609840 5001480 2253 00 Pine Hill, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 1733771156 Off: 603-524-2255 Coldwell Banker Realty Gilford NH 1 10714 Land Wooded 14 acre lot above the cemetery. Governor Wentworth Regional Carpenter Elementary Kingswood Regional High School Kingswood Regional Middle NH Pine Hill 00 1734813262 03894 ListPrice 150000 1720612394 150000 1718890995 225000 ListingStatus Active 1731015795 Active 1725455594 Active Under Contract 1718890995 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d59b-5001480-1-neren3.jpg 1 1718891867 1718891867 1718891896 Point -71.2110196 43.6077553 RETS -50.00 1720612394 Joshua Matthews Coldwell Banker Realty Gilford NH 1730937600

290 Pine Hill, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

MLS #4962582

City:Wolfeboro, State:NH

Price: $2500000

Three parcels of available land that are subdividable! With almost 100 acres of private land within walking distance to downtown Wolfeboro, with a little brook running through the property. Probably the only large parcel in the area so close to town - with the hockey rink, lumberyard, banks, dentists, restaurants, gym, hairdressers, assisted living, boat storage, marina and ski area all close by. Three phase power line on the road and the option for more housing easily tucked away for complete privacy. Three parcels in total with access off of Pine Hill Road, Filter Bed Road, and Route 109A this offers many option for development. Wolfeboro is a sought after community and the property has been in front of the ZBA and has some variances in place. This special location could be housing and or other commercial ventures. All this and close to the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and Wentworth. 64bec64434e2b503421396b7 90.00 17158 Wolfeboro LD_2 NH-Carroll Access of of 109, Filter Bed and Pine Hill Road 290 Pine Hill Road neren3 64bec5d634e2b5032f5021a2 1 1 1690223804 1690156800 2500000 Lobin Frizzell 4962582 Active Under Contract 3920400 4962582 2418 290 Pine Hill, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 1724766705 KW Coastal and Lakes & Mountains Realty/Meredith 16 27777 Land Three parcels of available land that are subdividable! With almost 100 acres of private land within walking distance to downtown Wolfeboro, with a little brook running through the property. Probably the only large parcel in the area so close to town - with the hockey rink, lumberyard, banks, dentists, restaurants, gym, hairdressers, assisted living, boat storage, marina and ski area all close by. Three phase power line on the road and the option for more housing easily tucked away for complete privacy. Three parcels in total with access off of Pine Hill Road, Filter Bed Road, and Route 109A this offers many option for development. Wolfeboro is a sought after community and the property has been in front of the ZBA and has some variances in place. This special location could be housing and or other commercial ventures. All this and close to the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and Wentworth. NH Pine Hill 290 1734813240 https://www.hommati.com/3DTour-AerialVideo/unbranded/290-Pine-Hill-Rd-Wolfeboro-NH--HPI26685950 Lake Winnipesaukee Lake 03894 ListPrice 2500000 1690224196 2500000 ListingStatus Active Under Contract 1693424596 Active Under Contract 1690224196 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bf50-4962582-1-neren3.jpg 1 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3a49-4962582-2-neren3.jpg 2 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/7df8-4962582-3-neren3.jpg 3 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/990a-4962582-4-neren3.jpg 4 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/0d84-4962582-5-neren3.jpg 5 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/b22b-4962582-6-neren3.jpg 6 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/0aed-4962582-7-neren3.jpg 7 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/fb8c-4962582-8-neren3.jpg 8 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f489-4962582-9-neren3.jpg 9 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bd66-4962582-10-neren3.jpg 10 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/8833-4962582-11-neren3.jpg 11 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c31e-4962582-12-neren3.jpg 12 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/19d1-4962582-13-neren3.jpg 13 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/5a99-4962582-14-neren3.jpg 14 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3204-4962582-15-neren3.jpg 15 1690229698 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9d4d-4962582-16-neren3.jpg 16 1690229698 1690229698 1690229702 43.6019660 -71.2154990 Point -71.215499 43.601966 RETS https://tour.neren.com/290-Pine-Hill-Road-Wolfeboro-NH-03894--4962582/unbranded 1693353600