Danbury, NH Land for Sale
Danbury, NH Land for Sale | Roche Realty Group - Page2
TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028359
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $165000
Prime building lot, Danbury NH. This 5.01 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 205â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 67a0fdda34e2b5fa3c1e9b83 5.01 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 67a0fd8434e2b5f9f7615ff3 1 1 1738603858 1738540800 165000 Ronald Talon 5028359 Active 218236 5028359 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605069 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 8 32934 Land Prime building lot, Danbury NH. This 5.01 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 205â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738540800 Eastern District TBD 8 1738605195 03230 ListPrice 165000 1738603994 165000 ListingStatus Active 1738603994 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/a73b-5028359-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c60c-5028359-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1002-5028359-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/612a-5028359-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3e3e-5028359-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f9a0-5028359-6-neren3.jpg 6 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bf5f-5028359-7-neren3.jpg 7 1738605222 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/7f1f-5028359-8-neren3.jpg 8 1738605222 1738605222 1738605261 43.5195844 -71.8611107 Point -71.8611107 43.5195844 RETSTBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028361
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $165000
Exceptional building lot, Danbury NH. This 5.04 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for your new home. Featuring 207â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location. The front of the lot offers several possible building options and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 67a1003134e2b5fb22560666 5.04 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 67a0feb634e2b5fa710f9b75 1 1 1738604107 43.5195767 1738540800 165000 Ronald Talon 5028361 Active -71.8611107 219542 5028361 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605360 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 5 32738 Land Exceptional building lot, Danbury NH. This 5.04 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for your new home. Featuring 207â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location. The front of the lot offers several possible building options and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738540800 Eastern District TBD 9 1738605794 03230 ListPrice 165000 1738604593 165000 ListingStatus Active 1738604593 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/661a-5028361-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738605871 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/eaa7-5028361-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738605871 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/725e-5028361-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738605871 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c1f6-5028361-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738605871 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/662c-5028361-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738605871 1738605871 1738605910 Point -71.8611107 43.5195767 RETSTBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028365
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $155000
Exceptional building lot in beautiful Danbury NH. This 10.11 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for your new home. Featuring 347â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location. This wooded parcel offers a variety of building sites providing views and privacy. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 67a104e234e2b5fd025e1ec3 10.11 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 67a1036134e2b5fc40160692 1 1 1738605190 43.5195689 1738540800 155000 Ronald Talon 5028365 Active -71.8610893 440392 5028365 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738606302 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 4 15331 Land Exceptional building lot in beautiful Danbury NH. This 10.11 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for your new home. Featuring 347â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location. This wooded parcel offers a variety of building sites providing views and privacy. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738540800 Eastern District TBD 10 1738606393 03230 ListPrice 155000 1738605794 155000 ListingStatus Active 1738605794 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4364-5028365-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738606439 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1e6a-5028365-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738606439 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3ad2-5028365-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738606439 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3af5-5028365-8-neren3.jpg 8 1738606439 1738606439 1738606490 Point -71.8610893 43.5195689 RETSTBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028251
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $175000
Prime building lot with great views. This 12.62 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 379â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 679e481a34e2b568f757a112 12.62 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 679e468134e2b5683873e092 1 1 1738440737 43.5388492 1738368000 175000 Ronald Talon 5028251 Active -71.8453009 549727 5028251 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605205 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 8 13866 Land Prime building lot with great views. This 12.62 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 379â of paved road frontage this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738368000 Eastern District TBD 4 1738605794 03230 ListPrice 175000 1738426394 175000 ListingStatus Active 1738426394 Active Point -71.8453009 43.5388492 RETS https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/158f-5028251-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/08cf-5028251-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bec8-5028251-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4ed1-5028251-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/14dc-5028251-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/915f-5028251-6-neren3.jpg 6 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/15b7-5028251-7-neren3.jpg 7 1738441479 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/06e5-5028251-8-neren3.jpg 8 1738441479 1738441479 1738441504TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028261
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $175000
Prime building lot with great views. This 10.52 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 204â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 679e6d9934e2b577760224f2 10.52 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 679e6c0634e2b576c72244f2 1 1 1738440338 1738368000 175000 Ronald Talon 5028261 Active 458251 5028261 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605184 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 7 16634 Land Prime building lot with great views. This 10.52 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 204â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738368000 Eastern District TBD 5 1738605794 03230 ListPrice 175000 1738435993 175000 ListingStatus Active 1738435993 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/628c-5028261-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6da4-5028261-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/49d5-5028261-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3ad3-5028261-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/933a-5028261-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/ecc8-5028261-6-neren3.jpg 6 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/528b-5028261-7-neren3.jpg 7 1738440852 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6d9e-5028261-8-neren3.jpg 8 1738439077 1738440852 1738440916 43.5196000 -71.8611000 Point -71.8611 43.5196 RETSTBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028262
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $165000
Prime building lot with great views. This 11.14 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 202â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 679e6ff234e2b578692f25b2 11.14 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 679e6f9134e2b5781e7c4312 1 1 1738440515 1738368000 165000 Ronald Talon 5028262 Active 485258 5028262 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605166 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 7 14811 Land Prime building lot with great views. This 11.14 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 202â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738368000 Eastern District TBD 6 1738605794 03230 ListPrice 165000 1738436594 165000 ListingStatus Active 1738436594 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/98fd-5028262-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2076-5028262-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/93e6-5028262-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/be75-5028262-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f181-5028262-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/5fd4-5028262-6-neren3.jpg 6 1738440850 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/95fb-5028262-7-neren3.jpg 7 1738440850 1738440850 1738440916 43.5341622 -71.8310163 Point -71.8310163 43.5341622 RETSTBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5028271
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $165000
Prime building lot with great views. This 5.13 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 209â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. 679e8c1234e2b5835313db62 5.13 17715 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Rte 104 to Eastern District Rd. 3J Farms Subdivision is approximately 1.25 miles on right, across from 234 Eastern District Rd. TBD Eastern District Road neren3 679e8bb134e2b58308425802 1 1 1738443623 1738368000 165000 Ronald Talon 5028271 Active 223463 5028271 6372 TBD Eastern District, Danbury, NH 03230 1738605120 rtalon04@gmail.com RE/MAX Innovative Bayside 7 32163 Land Prime building lot with great views. This 5.13 acre lot has been surveyed and perc tested and is ready for the home of your dreams. Featuring 209â of paved road frontage, this lot is situated in a quiet rural location with spectacular views of Ragged Mountain, nearby fields & streams and neighboring agricultural properties. The front of the lot features an open, level building envelope and the rear is wooded and sloping. Ragged Mountain Ski Area is just 10 minutes away, 2 miles to the Northern Rail Trail, 12 miles to Wellington State Park on beautiful Newfound Lake, and just 18 minutes to Rte 93. Additional lots available. Possible owner financing for qualified buyers. NH 1738368000 Eastern District TBD 7 1738605794 03230 ListPrice 165000 1738443794 165000 ListingStatus Active 1738443794 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2bc3-5028271-1-neren3.jpg 1 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/a168-5028271-2-neren3.jpg 2 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4108-5028271-3-neren3.jpg 3 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9a7b-5028271-4-neren3.jpg 4 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/b8bf-5028271-5-neren3.jpg 5 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9c66-5028271-6-neren3.jpg 6 1738445059 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3320-5028271-8-neren3.jpg 8 1738445059 1738445059 1738445084 43.5338278 -71.8318103 Point -71.8318103 43.5338278 RETS0 Forbes Mountain, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5023819
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $1750000
Welcome to your future sanctuary! Nestled in the heart of New Hampshire's picturesque Lakes Region, this stunning 290 acre parcel of land offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and serene privacy. With rolling hills, mountains, lush greenery, and expansive panoramic kingdom views of the Ragged Mountain, this property is a rare gem that provides the ideal canvas for your dream home. Imagine waking up to breathtaking sunrises over the mountains and enjoying peaceful evenings surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. This lot is perfect for anyone looking to build a custom home, whether you're envisioning a cozy retreat or a grand estate. The property features multiple potential building sites, each offering unique views and seclusion. Located just minutes from charming local towns, recreational opportunities, and pristine lakes, youâll have easy access to year-round outdoor activities including hiking, skiing, boating, and fishing. The property is also conveniently close to major highways, making it an easy commute to nearby cities while still maintaining the tranquility of rural living. Additionally, there is a Forestry Stewardship Plan that details the abundance of wildlife inhabiting the property. Whether youâre looking for a quiet escape or a place to create lasting memories with family and friends, this extraordinary piece of land provides limitless possibilities. 6750d3fb34e2b5b89b4aad04 290.91 17079 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack From Concord, New Hampshire take 93 North to exit 17 US-4 West towards US-3 West Penacook/Boscawen. Take US 4 West to School Pond Road, left onto North Road, and right onto Forbes Mountain Road. Look for sign in front of chain link fence for the entrance. 0 Forbes Mountain Road neren3 6750d28034e2b5b7d54f53f5 1 1 1733433859 1733270400 1750000 Adam Dow 5023819 Active 12672040 5023819 2416 0 Forbes Mountain, Danbury, NH 03230 1738338185 Phone: 866-525-3946 KW Coastal and Lakes & Mountains Realty/Wolfeboro 15 6015 Land Welcome to your future sanctuary! Nestled in the heart of New Hampshire's picturesque Lakes Region, this stunning 290 acre parcel of land offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and serene privacy. With rolling hills, mountains, lush greenery, and expansive panoramic kingdom views of the Ragged Mountain, this property is a rare gem that provides the ideal canvas for your dream home. Imagine waking up to breathtaking sunrises over the mountains and enjoying peaceful evenings surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. This lot is perfect for anyone looking to build a custom home, whether you're envisioning a cozy retreat or a grand estate. The property features multiple potential building sites, each offering unique views and seclusion. Located just minutes from charming local towns, recreational opportunities, and pristine lakes, youâll have easy access to year-round outdoor activities including hiking, skiing, boating, and fishing. The property is also conveniently close to major highways, making it an easy commute to nearby cities while still maintaining the tranquility of rural living. Additionally, there is a Forestry Stewardship Plan that details the abundance of wildlife inhabiting the property. Whether youâre looking for a quiet escape or a place to create lasting memories with family and friends, this extraordinary piece of land provides limitless possibilities. Danbury Elementary Newfound Regional High School Newfound Memorial Middle Sch NH Forbes Mountain 0 24 1738338795 https://www.hommati.com/3DTour-AerialVideo/unbranded/Forbes-Mountain-Rd-Tax-Map-403-Lot-24-Danbury-Nh-03230--HPI42025498 https://youtu.be/xJ_dp8FpIes 03230 ListPrice 1750000 1738338795 1750000 1733350395 1800000 ListingStatus Active 1733350395 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/eb13-5023819-1-neren3.jpg 1 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/fdc3-5023819-2-neren3.jpg 2 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2d77-5023819-3-neren3.jpg 3 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/52ad-5023819-4-neren3.jpg 4 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f80c-5023819-5-neren3.jpg 5 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/cc6f-5023819-6-neren3.jpg 6 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f3ce-5023819-7-neren3.jpg 7 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d19c-5023819-8-neren3.jpg 8 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2e78-5023819-9-neren3.jpg 9 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1471-5023819-10-neren3.jpg 10 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/7c36-5023819-11-neren3.jpg 11 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/7389-5023819-12-neren3.jpg 12 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/324e-5023819-13-neren3.jpg 13 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/89bf-5023819-14-neren3.jpg 14 1733516648 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/1f9c-5023819-15-neren3.jpg 15 1733516648 1733516648 1733516712 43.5693086 -71.8594048 Point -71.8594048 43.5693086 RETS 1733270400 -2.86 173833879577 Spa, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5022846
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $125000
BIG OPPORTUNITY at 77 Spa Rd, Danbury, NH â Your New Hampshire Haven Awaits! Discover the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience with this beautifully situated property on Spa Road. Nestled in the heart of Danbury, this gem offers: On-site Well, Electrical, and Septic Prime Location: Located just minutes from Ragged Mountain Resort and local outdoor attractions, ideal for nature lovers and adventurers. Expansive Space: Ample acreage to enjoy privacy, gardening, or recreation. Versatile Living: This property is reading to be turned into your own paradise! Whether you're seeking a serene escape or a permanent residence in the Lakes Region, 77 Spa Rd offers a unique opportunity to make your dreams a reality. Schedule your tour today and experience the best of New Hampshire living! 673f576c34e2b5fe7d0b6df5 5.60 289816 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack Right on Spa rd. after cemetery, to end at culdesac 77 Spa Road neren3 673f56e334e2b5fe48286205 1 1 1 1 1734397530 1732147200 125000 Keith R Vaillancourt 5022846 Active 243936 5022846 6032 77 Spa, Danbury, NH 03230 1734397530 REAL Broker NH, LLC 3 22321 Land BIG OPPORTUNITY at 77 Spa Rd, Danbury, NH â Your New Hampshire Haven Awaits! Discover the perfect blend of tranquility and convenience with this beautifully situated property on Spa Road. Nestled in the heart of Danbury, this gem offers: On-site Well, Electrical, and Septic Prime Location: Located just minutes from Ragged Mountain Resort and local outdoor attractions, ideal for nature lovers and adventurers. Expansive Space: Ample acreage to enjoy privacy, gardening, or recreation. Versatile Living: This property is reading to be turned into your own paradise! Whether you're seeking a serene escape or a permanent residence in the Lakes Region, 77 Spa Rd offers a unique opportunity to make your dreams a reality. Schedule your tour today and experience the best of New Hampshire living! NH Spa 77 1734813276 03230 ListPrice 125000 1732204396 125000 ListingStatus Active 1732204396 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4387-5022846-1-neren3.jpg 1 1734398018 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2809-5022846-2-neren3.jpg 2 1734398018 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3bcf-5022846-3-neren3.jpg 3 1734398018 1734398018 1734398083 43.5316220 -71.8542160 Point -71.854216 43.531622 RETS 17321472000 US Route 4, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5018001
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $320000
Beautiful 75+/- acre parcel. The land is gently sloping with potential views. The property has over 4, 500 of feet of road frontage and could be a good candidate for subdivision pending town approval. Located less than 15 minutes from Ragged Mountain and 45 minutes from Lebanon. 6706e18334e2b5475972f0e5 75.00 288482 Danbury LD_2 Jason Bell KW Coastal and Lakes & Mountains Realty/N.London NH-Merrimack On Route 4 in Danbury, property is between route 4 and Spear Hill Road. 0 US Route 4 neren3 6706e14f34e2b5473a35b552 1 1 1 1728503913 43.5196000 1728432000 320000 O'Halloran Group 5018001 Active Under Contract -71.8611000 3267000 5018001 5548 0 US Route 4, Danbury, NH 03230 1737121966 Cell: 603-252-6428 KW Coastal and Lakes & Mountains Realty/N.London 13 4266 Land Beautiful 75+/- acre parcel. The land is gently sloping with potential views. The property has over 4, 500 of feet of road frontage and could be a good candidate for subdivision pending town approval. Located less than 15 minutes from Ragged Mountain and 45 minutes from Lebanon. NH US Route 4 0 1737122594 03230 ListPrice 320000 1728504195 320000 ListingStatus Active Under Contract 1737122594 Active Under Contract 1731961995 Active 1730726595 Active Under Contract 1728504195 Active Point -71.8611 43.5196 RETS https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/87d8-5018001-1-neren3.jpg 1 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/83e1-5018001-2-neren3.jpg 2 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/902d-5018001-3-neren3.jpg 3 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/51e6-5018001-4-neren3.jpg 4 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/88cf-5018001-5-neren3.jpg 5 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6f6e-5018001-6-neren3.jpg 6 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6f94-5018001-7-neren3.jpg 7 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/47c5-5018001-8-neren3.jpg 8 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/5470-5018001-9-neren3.jpg 9 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d9df-5018001-10-neren3.jpg 10 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/50d9-5018001-11-neren3.jpg 11 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d42d-5018001-12-neren3.jpg 12 1728505502 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/dc54-5018001-13-neren3.jpg 13 1728505502 1728505502 1728505583 17370720005 Jack Wells, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #5013714
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $499900
ROLLING MEADOW WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: Imagine the possibilities with this stunning 25.3-acre parcel, offering approximately 12 acres of gently rolling meadow & 5 acres of serene woodlands.. A road winds through the manicured landscape, with picturesque views of local ridge lines and a pristine wetland bordered by Frazer Brook, perfect for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Artesian well already in place provides 20 gallons per minute, giving you abundant water for a variety of uses. Two points of access increase the feasibility of subdivision. Whether you're dreaming of a peaceful estate, starting a farm, or developing housing, this property offers endless potential! Conveniently located along Route 4 with easy access to the Upper Valley, Concord & Sunapee Areas. Just 10 minutes from New London, closer to Andover and a quick 15 minutes from I-89. Hike, bike, ride horseback or snowmobile along the NH Rail Trail for adventure at your doorstep. Short ride to Ragged Mountain Ski Area. 66e1b83b34e2b5e4e13591b7 25.30 9574 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack From Danbury Center: Route 4/104 Intersection: Take US-4 E, continue for 4 miles, then turn RIGHT onto Jack Wells Road. Driveway is an immediate Left. Look for sign. 5 Jack Wells Road neren3 66e1b7e534e2b5e4cc1f5446 1 1 1726068609 1725926400 499900 Lorna Platts Sirois 5013714 Active 1102068 5013714 1476 5 Jack Wells, Danbury, NH 03230 1731160864 oldmill@oldmillprops.com Old Mill Properties REALTORS 42 19758 Land ROLLING MEADOW WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: Imagine the possibilities with this stunning 25.3-acre parcel, offering approximately 12 acres of gently rolling meadow & 5 acres of serene woodlands.. A road winds through the manicured landscape, with picturesque views of local ridge lines and a pristine wetland bordered by Frazer Brook, perfect for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Artesian well already in place provides 20 gallons per minute, giving you abundant water for a variety of uses. Two points of access increase the feasibility of subdivision. Whether you're dreaming of a peaceful estate, starting a farm, or developing housing, this property offers endless potential! Conveniently located along Route 4 with easy access to the Upper Valley, Concord & Sunapee Areas. Just 10 minutes from New London, closer to Andover and a quick 15 minutes from I-89. Hike, bike, ride horseback or snowmobile along the NH Rail Trail for adventure at your doorstep. Short ride to Ragged Mountain Ski Area. Newfound Sch Dst SAU 4 Danbury Elementary Newfound Regional High School Newfound Memorial Middle Sch NH Jack Wells 5 1734813270 Frazier Brook Brook/Stream Yes Exclusively Owned 03230 ListPrice 499900 1726068795 499900 ListingStatus Active 1726068795 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9d87-5013714-1-neren3.jpg 1 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/9dd8-5013714-2-neren3.jpg 2 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/67b6-5013714-3-neren3.jpg 3 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bf5e-5013714-4-neren3.jpg 4 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3bf5-5013714-5-neren3.jpg 5 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/743d-5013714-6-neren3.jpg 6 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/998a-5013714-7-neren3.jpg 7 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/663a-5013714-8-neren3.jpg 8 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/bf9e-5013714-9-neren3.jpg 9 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/38a6-5013714-10-neren3.jpg 10 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/5a8b-5013714-11-neren3.jpg 11 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/272b-5013714-12-neren3.jpg 12 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/03c7-5013714-13-neren3.jpg 13 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c3c6-5013714-14-neren3.jpg 14 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2bfa-5013714-15-neren3.jpg 15 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/3312-5013714-16-neren3.jpg 16 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/b4b3-5013714-17-neren3.jpg 17 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/2a2b-5013714-18-neren3.jpg 18 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/54ff-5013714-19-neren3.jpg 19 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/aa89-5013714-20-neren3.jpg 20 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/787d-5013714-21-neren3.jpg 21 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/8057-5013714-22-neren3.jpg 22 1726069719 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/06a6-5013714-23-neren3.jpg 23 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/e8eb-5013714-24-neren3.jpg 24 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/6b93-5013714-25-neren3.jpg 25 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/af04-5013714-26-neren3.jpg 26 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d554-5013714-27-neren3.jpg 27 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/26d3-5013714-28-neren3.jpg 28 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/7fc7-5013714-29-neren3.jpg 29 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/056d-5013714-30-neren3.jpg 30 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/22f1-5013714-31-neren3.jpg 31 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/0216-5013714-32-neren3.jpg 32 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/be0e-5013714-33-neren3.jpg 33 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/8944-5013714-34-neren3.jpg 34 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c04f-5013714-35-neren3.jpg 35 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/ac13-5013714-36-neren3.jpg 36 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c80d-5013714-37-neren3.jpg 37 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/c3ef-5013714-38-neren3.jpg 38 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/f0c9-5013714-39-neren3.jpg 39 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/d435-5013714-40-neren3.jpg 40 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/06ec-5013714-41-neren3.jpg 41 1726069720 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4e43-5013714-42-neren3.jpg 42 1726069720 1726069719 1726069748 43.4696882 -71.8891298 Point -71.8891298 43.4696882 RETS 1726012800New Canada, Danbury, NH 03230
MLS #4999620
City:Danbury, State:NH
Price: $129900
Discover the perfect escape with this exclusive building lot in a wooded setting just minutes from first tracks at Ragged Mountain Resort. Enjoy the privacy and serenity of nature at your doorstep. Ideal location for your dream home. 6665121234e2b5df68357082 2.47 8445 Danbury LD_2 NH-Merrimack From New London/Wilmot/Andover, Take US Route 4, take right onto New Canada Road. Property will be on the right past Plowman Road. From Danbury, Take Route 104 to Ragged Mountain Road, Right onto New Canada Road. Property will be on your left side New Canada Road neren3 666511e734e2b5df494f9982 1 1 1 1 1717899631 1717804800 129900 Anita Billado 4999620 Active 107593 4999620 1307 New Canada, Danbury, NH 03230 1717900784 Four Seasons Sotheby's Int'l Realty 5 52591 Land Discover the perfect escape with this exclusive building lot in a wooded setting just minutes from first tracks at Ragged Mountain Resort. Enjoy the privacy and serenity of nature at your doorstep. Ideal location for your dream home. NH New Canada 64.07 1734813262 03230 ListPrice 129900 1717899794 129900 ListingStatus Active 1717899794 Active https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4286-4999620-1-neren3.jpg 1 1717901669 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/fbfd-4999620-2-neren3.jpg 2 1717901669 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/a0c3-4999620-3-neren3.jpg 3 1717901669 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/a8b5-4999620-4-neren3.jpg 4 1717901669 https://s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com/apiv1.photos.master/4c64-4999620-5-neren3.jpg 5 1717901669 1717901669 1717901718 43.4894999 -71.8452213 Point -71.8452213 43.4894999 RETS 1717804800