George Hurt
Direct Line: (603) 707-9291
Office: (603) 279-7046
I established and developed the Hurt and Forbes Insurance Agency thirty years ago in Laconia, New Hampshire and over a period of time the agency became one of the better-recognized and established insurance agencies in Central New Hampshire.
I became active in local politics which eventually led to being appointed to several State Boards and commissions, including the State Board of Education, the Post Secondary Education Commission and the N.H. Environmental Risk Pool. In 2000, I was appointed to the State Judicial Conduct Commission, a commission that handled complaints against Judges.
In 2000 when I sold my insurance business, I joined the team of Roche Realty and in my estimation, made the right choice in associating with a professional group of Realtors.
Education: I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Management a Masters Degree in Law and an Executive Fellowship Certificate in Health Law.
Having served in the Navy I am a strong proponent of supporting all of our service men and women including Veterans.
I can be reached at or by calling 603-279-7046